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Crew Welfare

Stress is a normal consequence of the professional demands in aviation and busy personal modern lives. Aircrew are also now operating in a very different environment, the pandemic has shaped a new normal in procedures, safety constraints and potential exposure to external stressors.    The reality is operating in todays environment is more stressful, for aviation professionals deployed around the world.  We take the safety and welfare of aircrew very seriously and appreciate the extra demands this "new normal" places on individuals, families and airlines.  

The stressors associated with conversion training, re-qualification training and job uncertainty post pandemic are no exception.  Welfare and support during these stages are critical to optimum human performance. 


We have partnered with Cor Nexus to provide peer support and assistance to our customers.  Cor Nexus are the most knowledgeable SME's in aviation wellbeing/peer support and have dedicated confidential peer assistance volunteers available to assist our customers and their loved ones.    Cor Nexus is also available to assist our airline partners with developing internal Wellbeing, Safety and Peer Assistance programs. 


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